Principal Investigator

Assist. Prof.
Onur Keskin


Institution(s): Işık University (Leader), ODTÜ-GÜNAM

Strategic Target Name: Implementation of visible light communication and energy harvesting technologies, which will enable indoor internet access and internet of things applications to be completely RF-independent and energy efficient, to be increased to TRL-6 level and implemented at a pilot level by 2025.

Field of Activity of the Project: Information and Communication Technologies, Internet of Things, Optical communication, Visible Light Communication, Infrared transmission technologies, Energy Harvesting

Project Summary: A bottleneck is occurred on the scalability of commonly used wireless communication networks due to reasons such as the rapid increase in the number of wireless devices, the demand for high-speed data services, density in the Radio Frequency (RF) spectrum, RF pollution in indoor spaces, and increased load on batteries and the network. A natural advanced technology to overcome this bottleneck is Visible Light Communication (VLC), which has certain features such as a free broad spectrum, not creating electromagnetic interference, not being affected by this type of interference, and providing secure communication by itself. VLC is a promising technology that can solve the spectrum crisis for indoor wireless networks and contributes to a highly energy efficient and circular economy thanks to its use of existing lighting infrastructure.

The final strategic goal of the project is to implement visible light communication and energy harvesting technologies, which will enable indoor internet access and internet of things applications to be completely RF-independent and energy efficient, to be increased to TRL-6 level and implemented at a pilot level by 2025. In this way, communication technologies that will advance the current situation in LiFi communication for IoT applications around the world will be developed and transferred to the industry.

Project Team:


Özyeğin University

Assist. Prof.
Çağatay Edemen

Research Areas: Communication/information theory, multi-user collaborative communication, multi-user capacity, visible light communication, indoor localization




Assoc. Prof.
Selçuk Yerci

Research Areas: Solar cell design, development, and production; multifunctional thin film production; thin film characterization; perovskite solar cell design, development, and production



Özyeğin University

Prof. Dr.
Murat Uysal

Research Areas: Optical communication, wireless communication



Işık University

Muhammet Emin Akbulut


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Last Updated:
14/02/2025 - 09:39